Thursday 5 April 2007

Latest ECL news!


Howdy again from London England.

More match-ups in the Inter-State ECL on Wednesday saw two London franchises (I know they're from London because you see so many Londoners wearing the replica uniforms) play two latino teams Roma and Valencia.

Tampa Bay's subsidiary, Manchester Reds, were up against Roma (who play somehere in Italy I think). The match-up finished 2-1, so that's Tampa out. Tampa's quarterback Phil Schools saw two yellow flags on the play and fouled out, but Roney and Roonaldo ran for yardage and nearly did it, but only managed the one field goal to Roma's two. Sis Britney kept talking about the Roma Skip Totti like he was Justin Timberlake or something, which is real funny because Totti is slang here for a really hot guy. The half-time show was some kind of re-enactment of Robocop and the special effects were real good - this CGI is getting real cool.

Chelsea are named for Chelsea Clinton because their owner, Abraham Romanovich, was so grateful to Bill Clinton for ending the Cold War between England and Russia and giving all Russia's oil to him. Their match-up with Valencia finished 1 point all (yeah, that's like all, after, like 4 quarters) so we were all set for the shoot-out (which is the only thing Pa likes) when the players all went off to get ready for another match-up next week at the Valencia Stadium in Italy. If I had paid top dollar for a seat and not even found out whose ass was whupped, I'd want my Benjamins back. But the crowd stayed nice and quiet, as they had throughout the 100 minutes - kind of them to let the players hear the offensive coaches calling the plays.

I'll write some more about soccer after the Easter weekend match-ups which seem to last from Friday morning thru' Monday night. We're off to try to find a church in this Godless country for Good Friday then going to Edinboro for a day trip on Saturday.

And BB Wolfe can just shut the **** up, as Robin de Nero says in Taxi Rider.

Bye y'all.



Anonymous said...

Yo Mouth!

I was, like, in a bar in London watching the matchup with Chelsea and the Italian-Americans. And like, I never even knew how many Italians there were in London!

When Valensia (isn't that where the Pope lives?) touched-down in the first period all these Valensians went mad cheering. And their English was great. Like, I could never speak Italian that well. Even if I was brought up in the Bronx.

I then stayed in the bar to watch Briton play Sir Lanky in the cricket World Series. And, WOW! I thought the soccer scores were low, but these Brits make up for it with baseball. Four of the England guys scored more than 40 runs. EACH! Even Babe Ruth couldn't have done that!

I might have to watch this stuff more, it's like the scoringist game EVER!

Anonymous said...

It's really intolerable to have this MouthoftheMississippi clown reporting ECL matches for this most reputable of websites.

His lack of understanding of the tournament seems to be increasing with every post. Surely even he must know that away goals count double in the ECL so Chelsea will start the second leg in Italy 2-1 down and Tampa Reds will start their second leg in London level at 2-2 (secret tip, get your money on Paul Scowls for first goalscorer - he's having a helluva season).

Anyway, I shall continue to post here to correct MotM's errors should he continue to write after his day trip to Ireland and I hope I am able to correct any lingering misapprehensions you Europeans have about us Americans not understanding soccer.

Anonymous said...

My cousin Zeph says she doesn't understand soccer and hey, she's British, but I may yet get to comprehend its mysteries if I keep reading your way excellent dispatches, Mouth dude.

I did always wonder why the Chelsea team were called that, it seemed such a coincidence. Keep up the good, like, informing work!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the tipoff about the crickit WS. The Scoringest. Yay!

BB Wolfe
You think your so big and bad donthca. Leave Mouth alone. He rocks. FACT!

Anonymous said...

I just want to tell you guys that it's great to be here.
All this culture!

Anonymous said...

Mississipi dude! Man alive! I was reading it and I was like, wow! Awwwsome! I ain't seen the games 'cause the people here in Canada ain't too crazy 'bout the soccer but reading your stuff it was like I was there in the Euro States with you guys!

And Yankabroad, don't be an ass, the pope lives in Barselonna, 'cause that's like, the capitol of Italy, duh!

Anonymous said...

YankAbroad - I'd usually say don't mess with the Canadaians on geography bro',
but offlimits ain't seen Davinci Code it seems. Tom Hanks. Word!

So while Barcalina on the N coast of Italy, sure, Pope and Pharoah is in Paris with the Glass pyramids. Exorcist filmed there too, the boring desert bit at the start. Movies bro'.